Order Help

If you are experiencing difficulties placing your portrait order on our website, select from the list below for general questions. If you need further assistance, you may contact our office at 800-298-7770.

Ordering Portraits For More Than One Student
When ordering portraits for more than one child on our website, please submit each order one at a time. You must log in, order portraits, and check out from one student portrait order before proceeding to order portraits for the next child.

Cannot View Portrait Proofs
School portraits may be viewed on our website with your approval only for a limited time. If you have selected to disallow viewing your child's portraits online those poses will NOT be available for viewing.  Be advised, this selection is NOT reversible once you have chosen to hide them. You may continue to purchase school portraits online by referring to your proofcard for the selected pose.

PLEASE NOTE: If you disallow viewing your child's portraits online, this process cannot be undone. We value our customers' security and privacy. Therefore, we respect a parent's/legal guardian's decision to prevent viewing their portraits while shopping on our website.
If you have opted to make your child's portraits available to you while you shop and still cannot view your child's portraits, please ensure that you are using Internet Explorer to view our website.  
You may return your order by mail (order form, payment, and portrait proof) to:

Classic School Portraits

Gerardy Photography

200 West Second Avenue

Escondido, CA 92025–4104

Promotional Items
To redeem your promotional item, you must have a promotional code and place an order using our website. This code must be entered in the specified field at the time you view your shopping cart. To ensure that your promotional item is added to your shopping cart page click on the "Update" button. Limit one promotional item per order entered on our website (an order may contain multiple items).
I forgot to enter my promotional code. Can I still receive my promotional item?
The promotional code must be entered at the time you view your shopping cart. Once your order is submitted, it cannot be added to the order thereafter.

Order Submitted Not Processed
If you have entered your billing information and your order was not submitted successfully, please try submitting your order again and verify that your billing information is correct. Your billing information entered must exactly match the billing information for the credit card that you have entered. If your order was not successful after the second attempt, please contact us at 760-747-0488 for assistance.
Currently we only accept Visa and MasterCard. If you wish to pay by check, please submit your portrait order (order form, payment, and portrait proof) to:

Classic School Portraits
Gerardy Photography
200 West Second Avenue
Escondido, CA 92025–4104

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